PMI is a full-service environmental company. We perform assessments, wetland delineation/permitting, petroleum storage tank services, and remediation. Our staff works with regulatory agencies on a daily basis to help our clients maintain environmental compliance.

Conducting environmental due diligence prior to purchasing a property is essential to making sound acuquisitions. A Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) is often the most effective means of determining whether a property would present a liability risk.
PMI pioneered Phase I ESAs in Arkansas, and today our expertise and quality reports set us apart. We perform our Phase I and Phase II ESAs in accordance with the ASTM and EPA All Appropriate Inquiry standards. Our Phase I ESAs provide an accurate description of 1.) how current and historical issues may have adversely impacted the property, and 2.) the potential for environmental concerns.
Our Phase II ESAs focus on areas and contaminants of concern identified in the Phase I ESA. We sample soil, surface water, groundwater, or other media to determine if they present a specific environmental concern or hazard. PMI provides environmental drilling services with our in-house Geoprobe 7822 drill rig. We utilize direct-push technology and traditional drilling and sampling methods to assess soil and groundwater conditions in a variety of environments.
PMI has been investigating and remediating contaminated sites in Arkansas and the surrounding states for more than 30 years. Investigations include sampling, contamination delineation, and potentiometric modeling and mapping.
We have experience with the type of technology and equipment needed for any remediation project—from the basic groundwater pump and treat to mobile dual phase extraction to surfactant flushing and in-situ chemical oxidation. PMI has evaluated petroleum hydrocarbons, volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds, PCBs, pesticides, herbicides, and metals. We have also performed remediation of low-level radioactive hazardous waste.

Over the past 30 years, PMI has investigated and remediated numerous contaminated sites in Arkansas and the surrounding states. Investigations include sampling, contamination delineation, and potentiometric modeling and mapping.
From the basic groundwater pump and treat, to Mobile Dual Phase Extraction (MDPE) technology, to surfactant flushing and in-situ chemical oxidation (ISCO), we have experience with the type of technology and equipment needed for any remediation project. PMI has evaluated constituents including petroleum hydrocarbons, volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds, PCBs, pesticides, herbicides, and metals. We have even performed remediation of low level radioactive hazardous waste.

Our staff includes Division of Environmental Quality (DEQ)-certified asbestos inspectors, contractors/supervisors, and project designers who can manage any type of asbestos project from initial assessment to project management of abatement activities.
PMI conducts wetland and stream delineations to identify jurisdictional waters regulated by the United States Corps of Engineers (USACE). We document the findings of the delineation and work with clients to minimize impacts and obtain the applicable USACE 404 permit for the project. PMI’s wetlands team is led by John Metrailer, PE, one of the few individuals in Arkansas with Rosgen Level 2 wetlands certification.

PMI conducts wetland and stream delineations to identify jurisdictional waters regulated by the United States Corps of Engineers (USACE). We document the findings of the delineation and work with clients to minimize impacts and obtain the applicable USACE 404 permit for the project. PMI’s wetlands team is led by John Metrailer, PE, one of the few individuals in Arkansas with Rosgen Level 2 wetlands certification.

PMI prepares National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Environmental Assessments for federally-funded projects. These studies identify the environmental effects of a proposed land development action and analyze parameters, including soils/geology, land use/zoning, floodplain, traffic, air quality, socioeconomic issues, noise, water quality, wetlands, surface waters, endangered species, and cultural resources. We consult with the appropriate state and national agencies, provide public notice, and help our clients prepare an impact statement based on the findings.
PMI leads the industry in petroleum storage tank (PST) management. We have more than 30 years’ experience with tank closures, initial reporting and site characterization, regulatory compliance, assessment, and remediation. Our personnel have served on the Arkansas PST advisory council and have extensive experience guiding clients to reimbursement of allowable costs via an Arkansas PST trust fund. PMI staff also serves on Arkansas Oil Marketer Association committees, assisting oil marketers with environmental issues, regulations, and legislative changes.
PMI designs PST systems, as well as prepares and submits the required regulatory documentation for the installation, closure, and modification of these systems. We have removed hundreds of underground storage tanks throughout Arkansas and the surrounding states and have successfully completed numerous assessment and remediation projects.

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PMI is a leader in the field of petroleum storage tank (PST) management. We have over 30 years of experience related to tank closures, initial reporting and site characterization, regulatory compliance, assessment, and remediation. Our personnel have served on the Arkansas PST advisory council and have extensive experience guiding clients through reimbursement of allowable costs through the Arkansas PST Trust Fund. PMI staff also serves on Arkansas Oil Marketer Association (AOMA) committees assisting oil marketers with environmental issues, regulations, and legislative changes.
PMI designs petroleum storage tank (PST) systems, as well as prepares and submits the required regulatory documentation for the installation, closure, and modification of these systems. We have removed hundreds of underground storage tanks (USTs) throughout Arkansas and the surrounding states and has successfully completed numerous assessment and remediation projects.
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